Saturday, January 14, 2012

In the Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohiddin - Lesson 2

About The Poet

Latiff Mohiddin is a well- known artist and he was born in 1941. He was trained in Germany at Hochschule Fur Bildende Kunste, Atelier La Courriere in France and Pratt Graphic Centre in the U.S. the significance of his paintings is that they always reflect the difficulties of human lives.

He is also popular for his literary contibutions. "In the Midst of Hardship" was originally written in Bahasa Melayu and later translated to English by Saleh Ben Joned. In this poem, the poet described how a group of people endured disaster and hardships without complaint.


Now, we will try to find out more about the poet. First, you and your partner need to download Worksheet 2  and Worksheet 3. Next, print the worksheets and paste strips containing information of the poet from Worksheet 3 to Worksheet 2.

Once all of you are done with this task, we will discuss about it by leaving comments at this particular blog post.


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